Monday, June 18, 2007

Urban Trekkers

June 11- June 13

Traveling across the state form Camden for a second year in a row, this group was a blast. The Littoral Society of New Jersey organized and sponsored the Urban Trekkers for this year’s trip to Sedge. Staff from the Littoral Society complemented the sedge staff and provided the four high school students with ample resources for their individual presentations (presented the last day).

After claming in the Bahamas (with little luck), the group settled down to watch the sun set and ended up seeing an amazing rainbow grow over Island Beach State Park. This was followed by a great night of fishing. For many of the group these were the first fish they had ever caught.

On the following morning we paddled to the dike and rescued more horse crabs from the collapsing geo-tubes. After eating lunch on the rocks across from Old Barney, we paddled back through the Sea Dog Trail and Horse foot Slough to avoid some of the increasing strong northeastern winds. To many of the group’s dismay (and other’s delight) we needed to carry our boats through knee-deep detritus. Sadly two shoes were lost. Back at the house garden hose showers were followed by seining and snorkeling. Throughout the trip the students spent their free time researching for their reports. Topics included; terrapins, clams, marsh botany, and underwater life.

Early the third morning the biggest fish of the trip was caught—a 21-½ inch stripper. This earned its fisherperson a tee shirt from the Littoral Society. After presenting reports based on research and field experiences, the Urban Trekkers gave Sedge an Ink Berry Holly, a native shrub. They planted it on the east side of the boathouse. Foul weather chased this awesome group off Sedge before lunch. See you next year Trekkers!

Brett Chicotelli

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